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Effective Meetings and Brainstorming Sessions

Meetings, group discussions and brainstorming sessions are often boring, take too long and usually fail to produce concrete results. Therefore, meetings are often considered a waste of time, when in fact they can be very useful, speed up decision-making and therefore save a lot of time.

How do you get the most out of your meetings? What techniques can you use? And how can you influence the course and effectiveness of group discussions and meetings? You can read all about it in the practical handbook "Efficient meetings and brainstorming".

Contents of this book:

  • Planning meetings with a focus on results
  • How to optimize the role of the chairperson?
  • Three types of approaches: the informative, problem-solving and decision-making meeting
  • The optimal structure of an efficient meeting
  • How to best prepare for a meeting, both in the role of chair and participant
  • Dealing with conflicts, disruptors and power relationships in meetings
  • Planning effective meetings: achieving maximum results in minimum time
  • Benefits of online meetings
  • Creative brainstorming and working methods
  • How to make concrete agreements for follow-up
  • Taking minutes, actions and progress, feedback & getting results
  • Lots of useful and immediately usable meeting tips


With this book you will now know how to make meetings more effective and how to have more influence on the course of a meeting.


More information: Effective Meeting Skills

